“CS is f**king easy” – Shroud explains why Valorant is more stressful than CSGO


The title of the greatest modern-day competitive shooter has sparked debates between the communities of CSGO and Valorant for quite a while.

While we can’t provide you with a conclusive answer on which game is superior, popular Twitch streamer Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek seems to have expressed his opinion on it.

During a recent twitch stream, when a fan claimed in the chat that Valorant makes players “rage more than CS,” the 26-year-old proceeded to explain the reason behind it.

“Because CS is f**king easy,” Shroud said. “This sh*t is stressful.”

He further said, “Everyone’s a goddamn king in this game. In CS not everyone’s a king.”

You can check the clip here.


Shroud can be seen regularly streaming Valorant on his Twitch channel. The former CSGO pro hasn’t refrained from expressing his opinions on both the titles in the past, and has also pointed out flaws each game has.