How to fix ‘You Need a Controller for this Game’ error on Xbox?


Has your Xbox ever shown the “You Need a Controller for this Game” error message while connecting a keyboard and mouse? Well, you are not alone. A lot of Xbox gamers around the world are facing the same issue. We’ve got your back.

Keep reading this article till the end to know how to fix this issue.

This issue mostly shows up while playing COD Warzone or Apex Legends. Fixing this issue isn’t that hard though. Without wasting time let’s check out the fix.

How to fix the ‘You Need a Controller for this Game’ error?

Follow the steps mentioned below to fix the error:

  • Make sure that your controller is connected even though you are playing on keyboard and mouse.
  • Restart your game and if the error is still showing then restart the Xbox console.

The above mentioned fixes will definitely solve the problem. If you still have any questions, let us know in the comment section below.

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