How To Unlock Vera in Tower of Fantasy

Here’s how you can reach Vera in Tower of Fantasy.

tower of fantasy vera

The new region of Vera has finally arrived in Tower of Fantasy alongside its 2.0 update. Alongside Vera, the ToF 2.0 update has also brought with it lots of additional content to the title including new weapons, raids, bosses, and a bunch of other stuff.

If you’re looking to unlock Vera and get to the new region in Tower of Fantasy, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know about Vera and how to get there in ToF 2.0.

How To Reach Vera in Tower of Fantasy 

To unlock Vera in Tower of Fantasy, players have to complete the ‘Connect to Vera Sector’ mission first. Once done, the dimensional portal located on the Hykros HQ will be available for them to use and get to Vera.

Do note that in order to complete the mission, players are first required to complete all six chapters of the main storyline alongside the epilogue.

If you meet the above-mentioned criteria, head over to the Hykros HQ and proceed to talk to Dr. Claire. You can then head through the portal to get to Vera in Tower of Fantasy.

That’s everything you need to know about how to reach Vera in Tower of Fantasy.