Candy Crush Saga, the globally celebrated puzzle game, never ceases to amaze its players with its delightful and challenging candy-themed puzzles. Among these, Level 7052 stands out as a particularly tricky stage that requires a blend of strategic thinking and a sprinkle of good fortune. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to navigate through this level successfully, from eliminating jellies to unlocking licorice locks, using special candies wisely, and planning your moves effectively. So, buckle up for a sweet journey as we unravel the secrets to acing Candy Crush Saga Level 7052.
The Challenge of Level 7052
Level 7052 of Candy Crush Saga is no cakewalk. It’s an ingredients level where your primary objective is to collect six cherries and score a minimum of 60,000 points, all within a limit of 20 moves. Given the complexity of this level, it’s normal to lose a few lives before you finally conquer it.
Candy Crush Saga Level 7052: Tips and Tricks
To successfully complete this level, you need to unlock all the cherries, clear the rainbow twists, and guide the cherries to the exit located in the top left corner of the board.
Once you’ve cleared the rainbow twists and grown the frog, use this amphibious ally to fetch the key located in the top right section of the board.
The frog will also come in handy to unlock the cherry located in the bottom right, as it’s the only way to reach it. Use wraps or stripe/wrap combinations to unlock the cherries, then clear the rainbow twists to allow the cherries to fall onto the conveyor.
Navigating the Conveyor
The cherries need to be guided through the portal at the left end of the conveyor, leading them to the top left section and down to the exits.
You can use stripes from the top right section to clear the candies under the cherries, enabling them to drop down to the exit.
Be careful not to miss any from the bottom conveyor. If the cherries pass over the portal without dropping through, they will return to the other end, wasting precious moves.
Extra Lives Hack
Here’s a little secret for those who find themselves running out of lives often. If you’re playing on a browser, you can cheat the Candy Crush 5 lives system by leaving multiple tabs open at once at the start of your game.
This way, you’ll always have those 5 lives. If you’re playing on a mobile device and lose all your lives, you can set the date on your device forward one day to get five more lives.
With these tips and tricks, you’re now better equipped to tackle Candy Crush Saga Level 7052. Remember, the key to success in this game is a blend of strategy, patience, and a bit of luck. Happy gaming!
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