Best Resolution for CSGO according to Pros

Sometimes, finding the top-notch gaming peripherals can be hectic. Have you ever wondered in which resolution w0xic, es3tag or gla1ve are using? In general, check out what the pros are using is a great idea to find the perfect resolution.

Best Resolution For CSGO

  • 1280 x 960
  • 1024 x 768
  • 120 x 1080
  • 1152 x 864
best csgo resolutions

According to the data, 37% of the 421 pro players use the 1280×960 resolution while playing CSGO. The second highest used resolution is the 1024×768 which is used by 27% from the remaining player-base. The most popular 1920×1080 resolution was used only by 9% among the total count of 421 players from the professional scene.

A majority of these players play on a stretched resolution whereas the rest have adapted to the Black bars mode, which can be set from “Adjust Desktop Size and position” located in the Nvidia Control Panel.