Apex Legends Season 8 is around the corner and with bundle of changes to the game, new agents and maps, comes new battle pass. The Season 8 Battle Pass has its own rewards just like its predecessors. Here’s what we know so far.
Alongside the new weapon 30 repeater, the new battle pass will include apex coins, new skins and holo sprays.
Apex Legends Season 8 Battle Pass
- 4,700 Apex Coins (Premium Battle Pass)
- Apex Packs
- Legendary Skins
- Holo-Sprays
Although there are numerous leaks available across several forums and subreddits, these are the ones we are certain on so far.
The Apex Legends Season 8 release date is February 2. Alike the previous seasons, new season of Apex Legends has begun as soon as the previous season ended, which suggests a similar release time.