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HomeNewsNew CSGO update brings about changes for Vertigo,Nuke and Abbey

New CSGO update brings about changes for Vertigo,Nuke and Abbey

Earlier today, CSGO dev pushed an update for the game which was aimed at tackling a few bugs and gameplay changes to Vertigo, Nuke and Abbey.


  • Fixed line of sight traces for weapon pickup rules to ignore debris.
  • Fixed several HUD elements to respect cl_drawhud and cl_draw_only_deathnotices settings.

For Vertigo, CSGO Dev has reduced the damage of the wall bang from CT elevator which would hit T’s running out mid. This change will prohibit CT’s from getting a few cheeky kills at the start of the round. The red fence section which allowed an enemy to crouch there without being seen has been fixed. This change was first reported on Reddit by u/J3YRAZZ and brought to the attention of the developer by SPUNJ.



  • Replaced red fence section at top of A ramp (Thanks SPUNJ!)
  • Fixed pixel gaps on bombsite boxes.
  • Raised floor of B stairs pit by 64 units.
  • Reduced wallbang damage from CT elevator room towards T entrance to mid.
  • Increased height of crane concrete base on A site.
  • Improved visibility from B site towards T stairs.
  • Added cover on right side when exiting stairs to B/exiting window.
  • Fixed pixel gap from T spawn towards B catwalk.
  • Fixed slight gaps between tarp sections on scaffolding.
  • Fixed unintended boost on scaffolding at A ramp.
  • Blocked weapons from being dropped underneath A ramp.
  • Blocked weapons from being dropped underneath A site crane.
  • Blocked players from going on the outside of ibeams in T spawn.
  • Simplified collision on top of scaffolding models.
  • Fixed various clipping bugs (thanks bonna97!)

Nuke had the smallest change where the developer fixed a bug reported u/Gonature, where the bomb was stuck in the map and caused OP to lose the round.


  • Fixed C4 stuck spot outside near silo.

On Abbey, we saw that the B-site was the subject of the change today The B site was opened up a bit to make gameplay more interesting. The skybox changes heavily impacts grenades at the B bomb site and will impact strategies executed on the site.


  • Removed gate model on B bombsite.
  • Added fence on B long once again.
  • Removed wheelbarrow on B long.
  • Opened up a skybox to B bombsite allowing grenades being thrown from upper CT spawn as well as middle.
  • Rotated crates on B bombsite.
  • Moved big crate on B bombsite.
  • Added tree for cover on B long.
  • Extended wooden building on B.
  • Improved clipping.
  • Updated radar image.
  • Replaced tarp with a model.



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